What is Facebook Business manager?
Facebook Business Manager is a very basic tool for securing sales on Facebook. The platform allows you to organize and manage your business on Facebook and Instagram.
With Facebook Business Manager, you can manage your Facebook page, your directory, your pixel and control Facebook advertising – all from one place.
You can also connect to external resources so they can manage your resources – without having to give up ownership or control of your company’s data.
Slik lager du en Facebook Business Manager-konto
If you do not already have a Facebook Business Manager account, you must create one immediately. It’s quite simple. Here’s how to do it:
- Go to business.facebook.com.
- Click on create account (top right corner). Log in with your personal Facebook account. This is how Facebook can verify your identity.
- Enter the name of your company and select the Facebook page to be linked to the company. If you don’t have a page for your business, create one. Then enter your name and work email address. Click Next.
- Fill in the rest of the required details and click Submit.
Here you can see a video where we go through these steps
How to create an ad account in Facebook Business Manager
Now that you have a Facebook Business Manager, a lot is done.
But a Manager account does little by itself. If you are going to start with Facebook advertising, you need an advertising account.
With an ad account, you can structure campaigns, ad sets (target groups) and ads.
In your Facebook Business Manager account, you can create new ad accounts, add to existing ad accounts, or access ad accounts owned by others.
We recommend that you always own your own advertising account, and rather give access to those who help you with Facebook advertising if you do not do it yourself.
There are three ways to add ad accounts in Business Manager:
If you already have an ad account: Create a new ad account.
This is the best option if it is your company that will advertise.
If you create a new ad account in Facebook Business Manager, it will be your company that owns the ad account. Therefore, we recommend that you create the advertising account yourself, and not let an agency do it for you. You can easily create an advertising account by following these four steps:
- Go to Company Settings.
- Click on Accounts → Ad accounts → Add new ad account (+ Add)
- Choose one of the three options: Create a new ad account.
- Create a name for the ad account, set the time zone and add a payment method. Click next.
- Confirm whether you are using the ad account for your own business or someone else’s. Click create.
- Give administrator access to a user in your company.
Here we have created a screen video that goes through the four steps.
If the ad account exists and you need to manage it: Request access to an ad account
If you work in an agency and must manage the advertising account of a company, this is the option you should choose. You will then be able to manage the campaigns of a company, without you being the owner of the advertising account. How to access an existing ad account:
- Go to Company Settings.
- Click on Accounts → Ad accounts → Add new ad account (+ Add)
- Select Request ad account access.
- Enter the ad account ID if you want to access an ad account.
If the ad account exists, but you will manage campaigns and invoicing: Add an ad account.
If the ad account you are going to use already exists, but it is not in your Facebook Business Manager, you can add the existing account. If you work in an agency and will only manage one account, you must request access instead (see point 2). To add an existing ad account:
- Go to Company Settings.
- Click on Accounts → Ad accounts → Add new ad account (+ Add)
- Select Add ad account.
- Enter the ad account ID if you want to add an ad account.
How to create a Facebook Pixel.
A Facebook pixel is a useful marketing tool for your company. The pixel tracks the users’ activity on your website and thereby opens up a new world of possibilities for audience definition.
At the same time, it tracks actions on your page so you can measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts on Facebook and Instagram.
How to set up a Facebook pixel.
- Log in to your Facebook Business Manager. If you do not have such an account, follow the steps in the paragraphs above. We recommend that the company itself creates the pixel so that you have ownership of it. Alternatively, you can add the marketing consultant in maxims as a “person” in your business manager so that they can create it for you.
- Go to event management and click on the “+” sign in the left column. From there, select “connect to new data source.”
- Check off for Internet, and then for Facebook Pixel.
- Give the pixel a name and add the website address it should be on.
- Then select “configure pixel manually”. From here you don’t need to do anything else. You can now share the pixel with your agency (see steps below), which should set up the pixel via Google Tag manager with tags that track, among other things, purchases, abandoned carts and products seen.
If you need help with this, you can contact us here.
How to share your resources with an agency or partner.
If you are a business that gets help with your Facebook advertising, it is important that you retain ownership of your data. Therefore, we recommend that you connect with agencies or others as a partner and share the resources with them.
When you add a partner to Facebook Business Manager, you can grant access to different resources and assign specific access levels. Before you begin, remember:
- Only administrators in Business Manager can add a partner.
- You need the partner’s company ID. Ask your contact person to send it to you.
How to find your company ID in Business Manager
Your company ID is relevant when you have to collaborate with external parties. For example, if you have an agency helping you with your Facebook ads, they will need access to your ad account, your Facebook pixel and your directory. How to find your company ID:
- Go to Company settings in the menu on the left.
- Click on Company information.
- Right next to your profile picture you will find the Business Manager ID.
To add partners or agencies to your company:
- Go to Company Settings.
- Under Users, click on Partners.
- Click Add.
- Select Give a partner access to your resources.
- Enter the Business ID of the partner you want to add and click Next.
- You can now add partners to multiple resources. Select a resource type in the first column. In the second column, select the resources you want to add for your partner. Assign a role for your partner in the third column. Repeat these steps until you have selected roles for all the resources you want to assign.
- As an agency, we usually need access to your company’s Facebook page, Instagram account, Advertising account, Pixel and Directory. So remember to tick all of these unless otherwise specified.
- Click Save Changes.
Your partner can now see the resources you have assigned to them in Business Manager.
Here you can see a video where we go through the steps of adding a partner in Facebook Business Manager.

Mila Grcic
Head of Growth
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