
If your customers are consumers, their needs are often different from those of business customers. Consumer customers may make smaller purchases, transactions are typically completed over a few days, and there is a high demand for precision.

Design and Usability

Your online store should be designed and built with users and their needs at the center. We focus on conversion optimization already in the design phase. Your online store should not only look good, but it should also sell well.

Linda johansens palett-bygger, hvor du kan velge din egen kombinasjon av makeup. Skjermbilde.
Visning av nettbutikk produktside med flere valg. Skjermbilde.


Today, consumers use all types of devices to browse and shop in online stores. All deliveries from us are adapted to desktop, mobile phones, and tablets.

Visning av Kaibosh sin responsive nettbuikk. Skjermbilde.

Inventory Management

Maintain control of inventory in the online store and avoid selling items you don’t have. It can be integrated with your inventory management system or done directly in the online store.

Visning av lagerstatus i nettbutikk med klikk og hent. Skjermbilde.

Shipping Calculation

Calculate shipping to end-users based on your own shipping matrices, Bring’s shipping calculator, Postnord, or Consignor Shipadvisor.

Fraktberegninger med Bring. Logo.
Fraktberegninger med PostNord. Logo.
Fraktberegning med Consignor. Logo.

Payment Solutions

There is support for most payment solutions today. Vipps for WooCommerce, Paypal, Klarna, Netaxept, Dibs, Stripe, and more.

enkel betaling på nett med Vipps. Logo.
Betal i nettbutikken med Paypal. Logo.
Enkel betaling i nettbutikk med Klarna. Logo.
Betal i nettbutikken med Nets. Logo.
Betal i nettbutikken med Stripe. Logo.


WooCommerce is the world’s most widely used online store. The solution is built on top of WordPress, and 30% of the world’s online stores run on WooCommerce.

portrett av jostein nyquist

Jostein Nyquist

Head of Our E-commerce Manager Team

Shall we have a chat?

Contact us for a non-committal conversation on how we can help your business with your consumer online store.

Some of our references

  • Enklere Liv

    Enklere Liv

    WordPress online store with WooCommerce as the e-commerce solution.

  • Xplora


    “We have been a customer of Maksimer for almost two years, and we are very satisfied with their focus on finding good solutions and the accessibility they provide for us at XPLORA Mobile.”

  • WooCommerce products

    WooCommerce products

    WooCommerce online store with over 1 million products for both land and sea.

  • Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk

    Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk

    Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk has experienced substantial growth in revenue year after year, aided in part by a state-of-the-art online store.

  • SimpleDose


    Avoid queues at the pharmacy – built with WooCommerce.

  • Linda Johansen

    Linda Johansen

    The online store of the year for two consecutive years, a rapidly growing online store.