
One of Norway’s largest car-sharing providers

Bilkollektivet was founded in 1995 and is Norway’s largest car-sharing provider. We are a non-profit membership-based company with the goal of completely replacing our members’ need for private cars. Through this, we aim to contribute to a greener city and a better environment, with fewer cars and less unnecessary driving.

bilde av forsiden til på desktop

Choose from various types of memberships

  • Click and Drive
  • Private
  • Private+
illustrasjon av mennesker
bilde av tesla bil

Find the car you need

  • Select model
  • Choose fuel type
  • Zoom in to see the cars
mobilmockup bilkollektivet
portrett av jostein nyquist

Jostein Nyquist

Head of our E-commerce Manager Team

Are you looking to create a website?

Contact us today to get started with your website.

+ 47 55 91 31 35

Some of our references

  • Enklere Liv

    Enklere Liv

    WordPress online store with WooCommerce as the e-commerce solution.

  • Xplora


    “We have been a customer of Maksimer for almost two years, and we are very satisfied with their focus on finding good solutions and the accessibility they provide for us at XPLORA Mobile.”

  • WooCommerce products

    WooCommerce products

    WooCommerce online store with over 1 million products for both land and sea.

  • Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk

    Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk

    Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk has experienced substantial growth in revenue year after year, aided in part by a state-of-the-art online store.

  • SimpleDose


    Avoid queues at the pharmacy – built with WooCommerce.

  • Linda Johansen

    Linda Johansen

    The online store of the year for two consecutive years, a rapidly growing online store.